Samhain is very close at hand and so is the season of darkness and death. The veil is at its thinnest and this is the last harvest of the year.

When The Wheel of the Year turns to Samhain, daylight has become much shorter and we spend more time shrouded in darkness. The cool wind nips and sings songs to us in the night from our ancestors and loved ones who have passed.


It’s time to look inward and focus on resting and working on your own personal goals. You can see that nature is doing this too! Just look at the trees, gardens, and animals. You can also feel it in your soul.

Now is the time to do some self reflection and journaling is a great way to do this! I made a video below for some inspiration or you can keep reading for Samhain Journal topics AND writing prompt ideas!


How you plan to decorate your sacred space/ home – Ideas: colored lights, candles (black, silver, orange, white, gold, red, etc), ribbon or fabric, incense (myrhh, nutmeg, mint, patchouli, rosemary, cinnamon, etc), Autumn flowers, crystals (black tourmaline, amber, clear quartz, smoky quartz, obsidian, bloodstone, etc), herbs (rosemary, calendula, sage, etc), photographs of loved ones who have passed or an item they owned, skulls or bones, feathers, leaves, acorns, turnips, pumpkins, apples, bread, crows, black cats, owls or rune symbols that you find meaningful

Color correspondences you find meaningful this time of year and why

Ancestors or loved ones you’ve lost that you’d like to honor

Tarot pulls or any divination you’d like to do or have done (maybe you can ask for a message from an ancestor or loved one)

Crystals you’re feeling drawn to

Herbs you like to burn or cook with (especially those out of your own garden)

Food and recipes you like to eat and share Ideas: meat and poultry (Samhain is the last slaughter of the year for any animals that were too weak to make it through the cold harsh winter), roasted veggies, corn on the cob, mulled wine, apple pie, apple cider, pumpkin, etc.

Rituals you like to do or participate in

October’s full moon is the Blood Moon or Harvest moon – you can talk about the history and meaning

Activities you like to do alone or with loved ones – Ideas: create a dinner that a loved one liked to eat and leave a place setting at the table for them, tell stories of your loved ones, carve pumpkins, watch scary movies, meditate under the moon (no matter the phase), have a bonfire (write down some habits, feelings or negative energy you’d like to let die and burn them in the fire), what you plan to dress up as for the night, divination (tarot pulls, Ouija, scrying, pendulums), sweep out or clean any negative energy from your home, visiting a loved ones grave



Memories and gratitude for ancestors and loved ones who have passed

What does Samhain mean to you and how will you celebrate/honor it?

What are you afraid of? (For real, I’m not talking spiders or small spaces) How is it holding you back from what you’d like to achieve? How will you overcome it?

Release habits that need to die and create new ideas for the wiser you going forward. What destructive habits from this last year would you like to let die? How can you change them going forward?

What are some rituals that you love to do this time of year?

This is a time for deep personal development, which is hard work! What’s some self-care ideas you can do for yourself and for those you love in these colder months?

Manifestation – What are some goals you have for the coming year? Take some time to meditate on this and then write about it

What’s a new skill you want to learn? What are you willing to let go of to make this accomplishment come to life?

Write about a moment this last year that made you feel stronger and what actions you wanted to take after

What are your top 5 priorities in life and how are you going to put them first?

The veil is at its thinnest this time of year – do some divination work with Tarot cards or a pendulum. You could also work with a Ouija board and write about that as well.

What were some “seeds” that you planted this last Ostara and Litha? How did you help them to grow over that last few months? Are you able to reap the rewards of what you have sewn? What could you have done differently? How can you do better next year?

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You can also visit our Spooky Hollow group that has lots of good information and articles on Samhain. To visit Sleepy Hollow click onto the link below

Spooky Hollow


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