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Since time immemorial, humans have held a natural, healthy fear of the colder half of the year. Until very recently in the course of our collective history, the icy months were a time of resource scarcity, increased challenges with staying warm and

Whether it’s the scent of pumpkin bread and apple crisp, or the crimson leaves dancing in the October wind, or the warm embrace of a woolen sweater plucked from the depths of your closet, there’s something cozy and indulgent about autumn that brings



What Is It?

Samhain is all sorts of things depending on what resonates most with you. For many it’s a celebration of the third and final harvest of the year. It’s also a time when many Witches seek reunion with the d

You can also visit our Spooky Hollow group that has lots of good information and articles on Samhain. To visit Sleepy Hollow click onto the link below

Spooky Hollow


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