In this group I will share blogs from my student Lucy Fur.

This group will be focused towards anything demonic.

11 Congregation of the Damned
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  • I have always had an interest in what we call 'demons' however my view is that there are two main types of 'demons'.
    One is the metaphorical type, we use the term to describe a behavior or mindset that causes harm and is deliberately chosen despite knowing the implications and many times that IS the point or at the very least the person or persons don't see it as relevant to their cause.
    'Demons' are also used as the perfect created scapegoat to blame all of societies problems on, why blame ourselves, our society, our overall decline in values and morals when you can have an image of a bad monster that goes around and purposely causes harm. A collective mental construct.
    I see the metaphorical demons as a reflection of the darker aspects of the human psyche and nature.

    The second is real, physical or metaphysical beings, they are not any different from any other sapient being in that they think, feel, choose and have their own civilizations and so forth. Their moral code may be quite similar in many aspects as well.
    Can they be summoned? I don't know and even if they could be summoned I would think it to be quite rude to them.
    I mean, think about're a demon, minding your own business as you sit and read the paper and then someone from another realm basically yanks you from your spot, plops you into a binding circle and demands that you do their bidding. No saying 'please' or asking politely nor any display of pleasantries and manners. Wouldn't you do anything you can to go back home even if it means lying?
    I suppose it would depend on the person who did the summoning but still...asking is so much nicer for both sides than demanding services.

    I do not accept the biblical or most mythological definitions of 'demons', in my view these descriptions were born out of humanities fear of nature and the unknown as well as their overall perception of the outside world in which they have no control over so they will see it as something inherently bad, vicious, untrustworthy and vindictive.

    In short I think the demon race is like the human race, some are good, some are bad, some are deliberately hostile while most are generally neutral.
    Except creamed spinach..that is most definitely and undeniably EVIL!!!!
  • It's common for many new starters wanting to run before they can walk but also we don't grow unless we push and expand our limits.
    Goetia can be dangerous like any magickal system so I would suggest proceeding with caution and maybe finding reliable decent tuition. To many books and practicioners especially in the LHP are nothing more but fantasy game inspired drug fuels word vomits so it's imperative that you pick a teach with actual work manifestation reviews and not just some one popular with a lot of insane fans.
    • A person should know what they are doing and be in the proper frame of mind I would say. :)
    • Exactly right
    • Ah well if it's the famous ones like EA Koetting, Become A Living God, DH Throne, Sorsha Runaius etc then don't worry they all fake and unless your friend is extremely mentally unstable they can't harm him except drain his bank. Tell him to get hold of me for magick that works that's much cheaper and actually manifests. With Papa Smoke you don't just pay for a video.
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Check out the photos section

In the photo section you'll find sigils and a profile written by my student and co author Lucy Fur on each Demon. They will be updated regularly until we run out of Demons.  Much Love and Respect from Our House to Each and All of Yours! King RegardsHouse of Smoke team

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What do you want to know

Hi guys I've been posting demon profiles along with their sigils in the photos section and we'll keep the forum for actual discussion.Here you can ask me anything about: Demons, demonic workings and black magick. If it's not business and just a question please post it here so other can read the answer unless it's private or personal. I'm a professional and usually charge for my time but I will give some leeway for genuine personal question relating to demons. How toos and actual work tho will…

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3 Replies · Reply by Rebecca Jan 10