
Arch-Prince Sitri

Arch-Prince Sitri also goes by the names of: Bitru or Sytry is number 12 in the spirits of the Goetia.
He is as his title states a great Arch-Prince of Hell but in some texts he’sa Viscount.
Arch-Prince Sitri is a very powerful Demonic Spirit and the stands at the head of 60 legions of demons and spirits.
It is said that he is one of the demons to actually fall in love with King Solomon and even wanted to go to heaven to meet him.
Some people believe that Sitri and the ancient Egyptian god Seth /Set who was the Egyptian god of chaos and darkness.

Appearance: That of a Great Prince with a Leopard’s head and the wings of a Gryphon. But can take a human shape which is a lot more aesthetically pleasing at the command of the sorcerer.

Visualisation/Sensory triggers: An old woman who’s with child and carrying a wooden staff.
The lustful moans and groans of an orgy.
The smell of fresh Roses.
A white sky becomes a Rose colour as a Pink sun rises.

So let’s have a look at what we may need to work Arch-Prince Sitri for:

One of Sitri’s slightly baneful abilities is to make someone leave weather that’s: a neighbour, a colleague or someone you want gone from your home or some aspect of your life.
He does this by exploiting a persons weaknesses ultimately to their detriment to such an effect it makes them leave or flee.
Please note this process may take some time to manifest though so you need patients and an ability to let go of and detach from the outcome.

Another talent of Arch-Prince Sitri is to stimulate and enhance feelings of temptation in someone who’s attracted to you. This work is perfect if u have a mutual crush and need them to make the first move.

Another thing I know you can work with Sitri for is to significantly increase the sexual passion 2 people have for each other. This is great if you want to recapture the spark in your relationship or want to try new things.
However this power can also be called on to encourage a sexual encounter with someone who is attracted to you. Note the people have to be attracted to each other for this rite to work.

The last thing I know that Arch Prince Sitri can be worked with for is to make you appear extremely confident, charismatic and desirable. He can remove the air of desperation around people who’ve been looking for someone a long time and bring their best most attractive qualities to the forefront. Sitri is a very popular Demon when it comes to seduction and he’s had some very powerful results to such an extent that some times others will approach you in a social situation but don’t count on that to happen. Instead to manifest this work get yourself out there, get talking to people and most importantly. Have fun!

I have included a link to the Satan and Son's YouTube channel where you can listen to the enn for Sitri.
Remember if you chant along with the track all 108 times then your spiritual energies will be more in line with that of Arch-Prince Sitri.

As always feel free to add anything you think I may have missed out in the comments section below and let's all learn and grow together.


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