A place to get together and celebrate the coming of the Witches New Year.

'Samhain.' and fun Halloween

'Spooky pics, music, videos, info, etc.  Come join in the fun!  


63 Witches & Warlocks
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  • Site Owner

    This group will be open officially September 23rd to Nov 2nd 

  • Admin

    Lots of great posts! Thank you all!  I've been trying to post but my laptop is not compatible with Ning anymore, and it doesn't allow me to leave comments in any format. So bear with me I'll be using my Android tablet. 




  • Admin


  • 12256822655?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Head Admin

    Hi OneCrow. I read that you are having trouble posting comments here. So I thought I would post this as a test. It posted OK. I know nothing about this loo, it might just be something someone made up on the net and no actual loo like this exists. My main concern would be how to clean the outside of it.


    • scrub brush. A toilet brush I would think but trying to rinse it, you would have to hose it down or get a bucket of water and throw it on it. lol. You make a really good point lol.

  • 12234287684?profile=RESIZE_584x

    • lolol.

  • 12234287856?profile=RESIZE_584x

  • Admin

    Hey my fellow Witches, and Warlocks, I have a tiny suggestion... post your favorite Halloween music for all to enjoy.  Have fun!🌛🌑🌜

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