*Witches' Way Discussion*
*What Drew You to Wicca or Witchcraft?*
*Share Your Thoughts*
1. What sparked your interest in Wicca or witchcraft?
1. Personal experience or curiosity
2. Spiritual seeking or connection with nature
3. Literary or pop culture influences (e.g., books, movies) 4. family Heritage 5. Other
Share your story, and let's discover the threads that connect us!
I found it through a bookstore checking out an alternative religion/spirituality section in a bigger chain book store. I think that it seemed more self exploritory and less "do as I say, not as I do" that you find with so many standard and conventional religions. I wasn't really one to comply to "because I said so" and witchcraft gave room to grow and change through experience.
It was a trip to Salem Mass. in 1973. I was 18 and on my own. I was looking for something to feed my soul. I found my people!
I guess I always had an interest in it really. I found the idea of magic intriguing as well as the various methods in which to manifest results.
I recall going to teh Renaissance Fair (In Minnesota) and there was this 'Wizards' stand where this man -dressed like the classic wizard- was doing effects like making smoke and sparks and showed me how to do it. I was quite interested and in my childish mind I wanted to stay so he could teach me magic; I didn't tell my parents I wanted to stay but I did nonetheless. For years I wanted a crystal ball and even a wizards staff but I never let my ideas be known because I was raised in an environment where belief in concepts like faeries, house spirits and the like were never encouraged, they were not actively discouraged but these things never found their way into conversation.
Being raised atheist certainly had loads of advantages and encouraged healthy skepticism which protected me from the fraudulent sheisters out there but after awhile I wondered if there isn't more to life and reality than just the material/physical aspect; I watched movies like Harry Potter and while I know it was just fantasy I have to admit that part of me wished that it was real. I watched movies like Princess Mononoke and part of me wondered if beings like Kodamas (tree spirits) or even titan animal gods may possibly exist in a realm that is attached to our world.
Even other fantasy shows like FullMetal Alchemist seemed to indicate that there aere ways to draw power/energy from the world, and evenother realms, around us. Don't misunderstand me though, I am not basing Witchcraft on the fantasies I have watched or read but it did help open up my mind to possibilities.
I don't know if any of my relatives on either side of my family were ever involved in such arts but what I do know is that the material world -or rather the human created world- has become rather bland, boring, tedious, monotonous and uninspiring so it is time for me to open my mind to other possibilities, other realms perhaps or at least the idea of being able to channel the energies that so many cultures say readily and abundantly flow around us much like water in a river or an ever-present breeze.
Spiritual purposes with some connection to nature & family heritage are my reasons.