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Practicing witchcraft or any form of paganism/occultism can still pose some political dangers, although they vary by country, region, and community. Here are some current concerns:

1. *Discrimination and prejudice*: Many people still hold biases against witchcraft, leading to social exclusion, job loss, or family conflicts.

2. *Legal restrictions*: Some countries have laws restricting or banning "occult" practices, often due to religious or cultural influences.

3. *Persecution and violence*: In some areas, witches or pagans face physical harm, harassment, or even death, often fueled by misinformation or fear.

4. *Cultural appropriation and exploitation*: The commercialization of witchcraft can lead to cultural appropriation, disrespect, and exploitation of indigenous practices.

5. *Online harassment and doxxing*: Witches and pagans may face online bullying, doxxing (exposing personal info), or cyberstalking.

6. *Infiltration and manipulation*: Some groups or individuals might infiltrate witchcraft/pagan communities for political or personal gain.

7. *Stigma and mental health*: Societal stigma can affect mental health, making it harder for witches/pagans to openly discuss their beliefs or seek help.

8. *Political co-opting*: Witchcraft symbolism and aesthetics might be co-opted by extremist groups or politicians for their own agendas.

9. *Lack of legal recognition*: Many countries don't recognize paganism/witchcraft as a legitimate religion, limiting rights and protections.

10. *Internal conflicts*: Witchcraft/pagan communities may face internal conflicts, power struggles, or disagreements on practices and beliefs.

Remember, these dangers vary by location and context. Many witches and pagans practice safely and openly, and there are resources available for support and protection.

 Here are some true stories and examples of political dangers faced by witches and pagans:


1. _The West Memphis Three_: In 1993, three Arkansas teenagers were wrongly convicted of murder, partly due to accusations of satanic ritual abuse and witchcraft.


2. _The Salem Witch Trials_: In 1692-1693, Massachusetts colonists executed 20 people accused of witchcraft, showcasing hysteria and false accusations.


3. _Modern-day witch hunts in Africa_: In some African countries, people accused of witchcraft face violence, imprisonment, or even death.


4. _The persecution of witches in Papua New Guinea_: In 2009, a wave of violence against accused witches resulted in numerous deaths and displacements.


5. _The Persecution of Witches in India_: In 2019, a 63-year-old woman was lynched in India after being accused of witchcraft.


6. _The Witches of Gambaga_: A 2010 documentary showcased the lives of women in Ghana banished from their communities due to accusations of witchcraft.


7. _The Santeria priestess arrested in Florida_: In 2019, a Santeria priestess was arrested and charged with animal cruelty for practicing her religion.


8. _The pagan student bullied in the US_: In 2018, a high school student faced bullying and harassment for wearing a pagan symbol to school.


9. _The witches harassed online_: In 2020, a group of witches faced online harassment and doxxing after organizing an online ritual.


10. _The pagan temple vandalized in the US_: In 2019, a pagan temple in Washington state was vandalized with anti-pagan graffiti.


These stories demonstrate the ongoing challenges and dangers faced by witches and pagans globally.



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