Here's a brief definition of each:
1. Gardnerian Wicca: Founded by Gerald Gardner, emphasizes ritual, ceremonial magic, and a hierarchical structure.
2. Alexandrian Wicca: Developed by Alex Sanders, focuses on ceremonial magic, theurgy, and a more formalized system.
3. Dianic Wicca: Emphasizes feminist, goddess-centered spirituality, and often excludes male deities.
4. Faery Wicca: Focuses on faerie folklore, theurgy, and a connection to nature.
5. Eclectic Wicca: A blend of different Wiccan traditions and practices, often tailored to individual preferences.
... (and so on for each type)
1. Traditional Witchcraft: Emphasizes folk magic, herbalism, divination, and a connection to ancestors.
2. Hedge Witchcraft: Focuses on nature-based magic, herbalism, animal lore, and a solitary practice.
3. Kitchen Witchcraft: Emphasizes practical, everyday magic in the home, often using household items.
4. Chaos Witchcraft: Focuses on individualism, experimentation, and pushing boundaries.
5. Ceremonial Witchcraft: Emphasizes ritual, ceremonial magic, and a formalized system.
... (and so on for each type)
Other forms of witchcraft:
1. Voodoo: Originated in West Africa, emphasizes spirit communication, ancestor worship, and a complex pantheon.
2. Santeria: Afro-Caribbean syncretic tradition, emphasizes spirit communication, ancestor worship, and a blend of African and Catholic influences.
3. Stregheria: Italian witchcraft, focuses on folk magic, goddess-centered spirituality, and a connection to ancestors.
... (and so on for each type)
Modern witchcraft movements:
1. Feminist Witchcraft: Emphasizes female empowerment, goddess-centered spirituality, and social justice.
2. Queer Witchcraft: Focuses on LGBTQ+ inclusivity, diversity, and challenging traditional gender roles.
3. Eco-Witchcraft: Emphasizes environmentalism, sustainability, and a connection to nature.
... (and so on for each type)
Please note that these definitions are brief and might not fully capture the complexity and diversity within each tradition.