Does any one else have a strong pull to do the Sabbats and esbats on the actual dates? I know there is a grace period but the calling always feel strong. If so what causes this strong feeling?
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Does any one else have a strong pull to do the Sabbats and esbats on the actual dates? I know there is a grace period but the calling always feel strong. If so what causes this strong feeling?
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Not on exact dates no but loosely around the time of year they fall. I've been involved in various forms of paganism and witchcraft for close to thirty five years now so I chalk it up as just the mind and body aligning to those holidays and when they fall... kind of like setting the internal clock. I'm on the sensitive side as well so when enough people get together and celebrate together I sometimes pick up that residual energy. Holidays in general give me a bit of a zap that way. The biggest chunk seems to happen through the fall and winter so those holidays in particular can really get to me.
I never have a strong feeling on the exact dates. It has always pulled me at different times. I have always been very different