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13 principals of witchcraft

Here are the 13 Laws of Witchcraft, also known as the "Thirteen Principles of Witchcraft" or the "Witches' Creed": 1. An it harm none, do what ye will. (Harm no one, do as you wish.) 2. All things are born of the One Thing. (Everything comes from a single source.) 3. The Threefold Law. (What you send out returns threefold.) 4. Ever mind the Rule of Three. (Three is a sacred number, use it wisely.) 5. Harmony with Nature. (Live in balance with the natural world.) 6. Adapt to the situation. (Be flexible and adjust to circumstances.) 7. True will be found in failure. (Learn from mistakes and setbacks.) 8. When in doubt, abstain. (If uncertain, refrain from action.) 9. To bind is to restrict. (Be mindful of limitations and constraints.) 10. The Law of Return. (What you give out returns to you.) 11. The True Self must be found. (Discover your authentic self.) 12. The Power of the Word. (Language has power, use it wisely.) 13. The Law of Polarity. (All things have dual aspects, find balance.) These laws serve as guidelines for ethical and responsible witchcraft practice, emphasizing harmony, balance, and personal growth.

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