
  • Head Admin

    Deleting inactive accounts has been done before and it did not work. The site is still too quiet and the majority of new members are just as inactive as the old ones who got deleted at the last cull.  
    Giving the site more time, till Summer Solstice 2026, won't work. For the last four years this sites activity has been on the decline with the occasional flurry of more active members when events are held to encourage more activity. This trend will only continue in the foreseeable future, giving you more worry for an even longer period of time.  
    Selling the site is your best option. You will recoup some of the money you have spent on it over the years. The site will still exist but it won't be your problem any more. You would still be able to stay on as an active member and be a part of this community but without the expense.

    • Site Owner

      Unfortunately if I sell it . I would no longer be here. I had 2 offers in the past. That was one of the conditions by one of the buyers. The other offer was going to remodel the site into about music only.  

    • Head Admin

      You could make it one of the conditions in future sales that you are allowed to stay on as a member. Or you could sell a 49% share of the site and retain a 51% share, which would give you some control of the site but also be less of a financial burden.

    • Site Owner

      That's not a bad idea

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