~Symbols of Mabon~
Acorns; Apples; Autumn flowers; Corn; Cornucopia; Dried seeds; Gourds; Grains; Harvested crops; Horns of plenty; Leaves; Marigolds; Nuts; Oak sprigs; Pine and cypress cones; Pomegranates; Red poppies; Wine, Wreaths.
~Altar Decorations~
Any of the symbols of Mabon, including acorns, autumn leaves, pinecones, pomegranate, statue of the Triple Goddess in her Mother phase.
~Activities of Mabon~
Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offering libations to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over.

~Spellworkings of Mabon~
Protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence. Also those of harmony and balance.
Acorns; Apples; Beans; Berries; Bread; Corn; Cornbread; Dried fruits; Goat; Grains; Grapes; Hops; Horn of plenty; Indian corn; Nuts; Pomegranates; Roast goose or mutton; Root crops (onions, carrots, potatoes, etc); Seeds; Squash; Sunflower seeds; Wheat bread and wheat products.
Wine, Ale, and Cider.
Red, Deep Gold, Orange, Brown, Maroon, Violet, Russet, Yellow, and Indigo.

Dogs, Wolves, Stag, Birds of Prey (especially the Blackbird, Owl, and Eagle), Salmon, and Goat.
~Mythical Creatures~
Gnomes, Sphinx, Minotaurs, Cyclops, Andamans, and Gulons.
~Tarot Cards~
Judgment and The World
~Stones~During Mabon, stones ruled by the Sun will help bring the Sun’s energy to you. Clear quartz, Amber, Peridot, Diamond, Gold, Citrine, Cat’s-eye, Aventurine. Yellow Topaz, Carnelian, Sapphire, Yellow Agate, Lapis Lazuli, and Amethyst. Also, river or stream stones which have been submerged for the Summer may be used.
Vines, Garlands (made of these various plants), Gourds, Pine Cones, ferns, Acorns, Wheat, grains, Dried Leaves, Corn, Pomegranate, Ivy, Hazel, Hops, Cedar, marigold, milkweed, thistle, and Tobacco, Walnut leaves and husks, bittersweet, rose hips, oak leaves, dried apple or apple seeds, Sunflowers.
Myrrh, Thistles, Tobacco, Oak Leaves, Hazel, Mums, Hops, Acorns, Marigold, Roses, Sage, Milkweed, honeysuckle, Solomon’s Seal, sage, Asters, Ferns, Honeysuckle, Benzoin, Passionflower, Pine, and Cedar, Rue, Yarrow, Rosemary, Saffron, Chamomile, Rose hips, Sunflowers.
Aloes Wood, Oak moss, Cinnamon, Cloves, Benzoin, Jasmine, Frankincense, Myrrh, and Sage, Black pepper, Patchouli
All wine Deities (especially Dionysus and Bacchus), the Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess, Persephone, Demeter, Ceres, Bona Dea, Thor, Modron, Morgan, Snake Woman, Epona, Pamona, Muses, Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes, Thoth, Hotei, Sky Father, John Barleycorn, The Green Man, the Wicker-Man, the Corn Man, Harvest Deities, and Aging Deities.
Burial Cairns, Rattles, and Sun Wheels

Mabon Incense
Equal parts frankincense & myrrh reference the Sun King association and represent the balance between light and dark. In addition, frankincense has a bright citrus scent, and myrrh has a dark bitter scent; which I think between them captures that essence of the last hurrah of autumn sun and that slight rotting scent of dirt and leaves beneath it. If you’re unable to acquire these then you can pick dried pine resin from trees and crush up and burn that as your resin base instead. It’s called “colophony” in old formularies.
Nutmeg is associated with wealth and good fortune; cinnamon is associated with wealth, good luck, prosperity, psychic powers and seeing the spirit world; cloves are associated with spirit work and are often used as a magickal substitution for just about any purpose. And of course all three of them together creates the scent of pumpkin pie, apple cider and fall spice!
Last, the wine recreates the scent of orchards and vineyards in the autumn, with its fermented fruit scent. Add just enough to slightly dampen the incense and then let it dry before using. Burn on charcoal to release the scent.
Mabon Solid Perfume
Melt together on the stove in a double-boiler pot that you don’t mind scrubbing vigorously afterwards (or you don’t care about coating with a thin layer of wax). Remove from heat and add:
Stir and pour into a small metal container to set (suggestions: candle tins, tobacco tins, empty tea light tins, even an empty tuna can that’s been thoroughly washed).
Alternatively, you can make an oil perfume by mixing the essential oils listed above into a small dropper bottle and adding almond, olive, or jojoba oil until you’re satisfied with the blend. Add at least four times the amount of carrier oil as you have in mingled essential oils.
Crone Incense
All of the herbs, resins and woods listed are associated with the Crone goddesses; most of them are associated with Hecate and Cerridwen. Mix and burn over charcoal.
Horned God Incense
All of the herbs, resins and woods listed are associated with the Horned God; deer’s tongue and vetiver are associated with Herne and Cernunnos; blessed thistle is sacred to Pan. Mix and burn over charcoal.