An Imbolc Spell Jar for Motivation


I adore a good spell jar! They’re are such simple yet powerful tools for our witchy practice. There’s something so grounding about intentionally layering ingredients, focusing on your intention, and sealing it all up with a bit of magic. And as we sit in the heart of winter, with Yule behind us and the world still cold and quiet, I think we could all use a little nudge to spark some motivation. Those long, dark days can make even the most driven of us feel like hibernating.

Imbolc is a special time for creating a spell jar like this. It’s a celebration of the first whispers of spring, the slow return of light, and the promise of new beginnings. It’s also the perfect moment to rekindle our inner flame and set ourselves up for the brighter days ahead. If you’ve been feeling stuck, sluggish, or uninspired, this spell jar is here to gently remind you of your power to move forward with purpose.

So, whether you’re hoping to spark creativity, dive into a new project, or simply find the energy to tackle your to-do list, this Imbolc-inspired jar will hold space for your goals and give you a little magical boost along the way. Let’s get started!

Preparing Your Imbolc Spell Jar.

Imbolc is a celebration of light, renewal, and the gradual awakening of life after winter. It’s the perfect time to focus on motivation and the energy needed to nurture your goals. A spell jar can act as a beautiful and powerful tool for this intention, helping you harness the season’s energy and keep your determination strong.

Selecting the Perfect Jar.

Start with a small, clear jar that has a secure lid. A glass jar works best as it allows you to see the contents, each layer symbolising a step toward your goals. Cleanse the jar with smoke, moonlight, or saltwater to clear away any lingering energies. Take a moment to hold the empty jar in your hands, visualising it as a vessel for your intentions.

Setting Your Intentions.

Imbolc is a time to plant the seeds of what you hope to achieve in the coming months. Before you begin, ground yourself and focus on your goals. Light a white or gold candle to represent the returning light and let its flame inspire you. Visualise your intentions filling the jar with warmth and vitality.

Ingredients for Your Motivation Spell Jar.


Each herb you choose will contribute its own unique energy to your jar, and you can find all of these in your pantry! Choose whichever herbs resonate best with you:

Bay leaves: Represent success and clarity. Write a specific goal on a bay leaf before placing it in the jar.
Cinnamon sticks: Bring energy and drive to your spell.
Rosemary: Promotes mental clarity and wards off self-doubt.
Basil: Attracts confidence and abundance.


Incorporate crystals that align with motivation and inspiration:

Carnelian: Sparks creativity and courage.
Citrine: Brings positivity and helps focus on your goals.
Clear quartz: Amplifies the energy of the other ingredients.

Other Elements.

Feel free to add some additional symbolic items to amplify your intentions:

Sunflower seeds: Represent growth and optimism.
Dried chrysanthemums or sunflower seeds: Represent light and success with a natural, sustainable touch.
A handwritten affirmation: Write down your intention or a motivational phrase on a small piece of parchment.

Assembling Your Spell Jar.

Layering with Purpose.

Begin with heavier items like crystals at the bottom. Add layers of herbs and other items with intention. As you place each ingredient, speak or think about its purpose. For example, when adding rosemary, you might say, “I invite mental clarity and protection from doubt.” Let this process feel like a ritual of its own.

Sealing the Spell.

When your jar is full, seal it with its lid. Drip wax from your candle over the seal to lock in your intentions. Choose a wax colour that aligns with your goals: gold for success, orange for motivation, or white for clarity. As the wax hardens, visualise your jar glowing with energy.

Adding a Personal Touch.

Decorate the outside of your jar to make it uniquely yours. Tie a ribbon or thread around the neck of the jar, add charms, or draw sigils on the glass. These personal touches reinforce your connection to the spell and make the jar a meaningful part of your practice.

Using Your Imbolc Spell Jar.

Charging the Jar.

Place your jar under the light of the waxing moon or in the sunlight during Imbolc. The energy of the season will charge and empower your spell. If possible, leave it in a spot where it can connect with natural light for several hours.

Daily Connection.

Keep the jar in a visible place, such as your desk or altar. Whenever you need a boost of motivation, hold the jar and reconnect with the energy you’ve imbued into it. Shake it gently to stir up the layers, or light a nearby candle to reawaken its energy.

Refreshing the Energy.

Over time, your spell jar may feel like it needs a refresh. You can recharge it by placing it under the moonlight again, adding new herbs, or simply meditating with it and reaffirming your intentions. The act of renewing your spell jar can itself be a motivating ritual.

Aligning Your Spell with Imbolc Energy.

Honouring Brigid.

Imbolc is sacred to Brigid, the goddess of poetry, healing, and inspiration. Dedicate your spell jar to her by lighting a candle in her honour and asking for her blessings. You might include an offering of milk, honey, or a small token alongside your jar to deepen this connection.

Celebrating Progress.

Take time to acknowledge how far you’ve come and the steps you’ve already taken toward your goals. Imbolc is a time of renewal and hope, so celebrate even the smallest victories. Gratitude is a powerful motivator and can strengthen your resolve to keep moving forward.

Connecting with Nature.

If possible, create your spell jar outdoors or include natural elements like small stones, dried leaves, or twigs. This ties your intentions to the cycles of the earth, grounding your spell in the energy of the season and reminding you that growth takes time and patience.

Final Thoughts.

Crafting a spell jar like this is a simple yet meaningful way to align with the energy of Imbolc and reignite your motivation. It’s not just about the jar itself but about the act of creating something with intention and care – a small but powerful moment to refocus and reconnect with your goals. Every time you look at it, you’ll remember the magic you’ve poured into it and the energy you’re inviting into your life.

Keep your jar somewhere you’ll see it often, whether on your altar, desk, or bedside table. Let it serve as a quiet reminder of your strength and the intentions you’ve set. Whenever you feel your motivation waning, take a moment to hold the jar, focus on its purpose, and feel that spark returning. Sometimes, all we need is a gentle nudge to remind us that we’re capable of so much more than we realise.

Motivation is a funny thing – it ebbs and flows, just like the seasons. But by working with tools like this spell jar, you’re reminding yourself that you have the power to tap into that energy whenever you need it. Trust in your magic, trust in the process, and let this little jar carry you forward, one step at a time. You’ve already taken the first step, and that’s something to be proud of!

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