- Could We Have Been Our Ancestors in Past Lives?
- Nicole Canfield
- Millions of people all over the world believe in reincarnation. The belief in past lives is part of many religions and spiritual paths—including Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, and New Age. We see traces of this idea in the Kabbalah and in beliefs of the Rosicrucians and Gnostics. Belief in reincarnation dominated ancient views of life after death. The ancient Celts, Norse, and Egyptians were just a few of many cultures that believed our souls move in a cycle of life, death and rebirth.
Some say the circle is never-ending, while others believe a soul will eventually ascend to a higher dimension. Do you believe in reincarnation? Is it possible to have lived past lives as our own ancestors? We will explore ancestral reincarnation in this article.
Stories of Past Lives and Ancestors
One fascinating case of reincarnation tells of a boy named Gus Taylor from the American Midwest. When Gus was a toddler, he would talk of being his own grandfather, who had passed away several years before Gus’ birth. When shown pictures of family members, he would point out his grandfather “Augie” without being told who his grandfather was.
One day, as his father was changing Gus’ diaper, Gus suddenly looked up at him and said, “When I was your age, I changed your diaper.” Naturally, this floored his father. Gus’ mother decided to test him by asking about Augie’s dead sister (who the family never talked about due to emotional scars and trauma). She asked him, “If you are Augie, did you have any siblings?” Gus answered yes, he had a sister who had died. This was true. Augie’s sister had been murdered and thrown into the San Francisco Bay.
Reincarnation: living as our ancestors
Could we have lived as our ancestors?
Thoughts on Ancestors and Past Lives
Gus’ story is not the only documented case of people claiming to have been their ancestors in past lives. Simply google “past lives and ancestors” and you will find a plethora of stories from those who believe they were once their own grandfathers, grandmothers, great-aunts, great-great-grandmothers, etc.
If we compare pictures of ourselves side by side to those of our ancestors, we often see striking similarities. Is this solely because of our DNA or because we might have been these ancestors in past lives? We can look at this topic on a mundane level, or look beyond the physical realm to see the spiritual possibilities. I recently discovered my great great grandmother was a folk herbalist in the late eighteen hundreds. Her name was Clara and there are stories of her making her children wear necklaces of camphor to ward off the flu. The funny thing is, I’ve dreamed of this woman before even knowing she was a part of my family tree. She and I share similar physical features and interests. Might I have been Clara in a past life?
Do Souls Travel in Groups?
We’ve not only lived past lives – we’ve also lived lives with the same souls, repeatedly. This belief is reflected in the concept of a “soul mate” or “soul twin.” A soul mate is someone with whom you’ve lived a past life, someone you’ve had a very close relationship with in multiple past lives. You have more than one soul mate, and when grouped together these souls form a “soul group.” In this way, souls incarnate together, often incarnating into the same family.
If the idea of a soul group is true, then a past life as one’s own great-grandmother might reveal a mother from that life might be a daughter or sister in this life! Have you ever felt a close connection to a family member that’s so close it can’t be explained? Have you felt like you’ve known that family member in a past life? Is this really because you share the same DNA, or is it because you’ve both lived past lives together within the same bloodline?
Family Trees and Bloodlines: Were We Our Ancestors?
So the question is, did we live past lives as our ancestors? Does DNA not only give us our physical attributes but also our spiritual existence?
According to my research, this idea is possible in two ways:
Physically: Because we carry the DNA of our ancestors, their memories are passed down to us through DNA.
Spiritually: Our spiritual bodies move through our bloodline from one incarnation to the next.
If we did live lives as our ancestors, what about the stories of those who lived as people outside of their family trees? Technically, we can trace our lines back to one person who lived before us millions of years ago, to the first of humankind. This means that everyone is related. It also means that we all share traces of DNA.
Anything is Possible
Take a look at your family tree and look further and further back at all of the people who came together to make you. At first, it doesn’t seem like that many people—parents, grandparents, great-grandparents—but then you might go back another couple of branches to great-great-grandparents and then great-great-great-grandparents. You realize at this point you have the DNA of hundreds of people.
What happens if you look back three or four branches further than that? Your family tree starts to look so gigantic that it’s hard to comprehend just how many ancestors you have. In fact, you don’t just have dozens or even hundreds of ancestors; you have millions of them going back to the beginning of humankind! Many amazing stories of past lives show us there are those who believe they lived as their own ancestors—grandfathers, great-aunts, great-great-grandmothers, etc. The Norse rune Othala represents ancestral inheritance on earth, and the funny thing is the symbol looks exactly like a DNA strand. Kundalini rising shows us the same thing – intertwining DNA strands. Our ancient ancestors knew the secrets of reincarnation and ancestral inheritance. It’s time we learn.