This group is for open discussion of Magick as it relates to the Norse & Germanic cultures. Animism was a big part of this magical world view, and the spiritual connection to both land & nature.
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Gods & Goddesses
Odin´s Rune Song Poetic form: Ljóðaháttr (Song Meter)
1. Hung I was on the windswept tree;
Nine full nights I hung,
Pierced by a spear, a pledge to the god,
To Odin, myself to myself,
On that tree which none can know the source
From whence its root has run.
2. None gave me bread, none brought a horn.
Then low to earth I looked.
I caught up the runes, roaring I took them,
And fainting, back I fell.
3. Nine mighty lays I learned from the son
Of Bolthorn, Bestla’s father,
And a draught I had of the holy mead
Poured out of Ordrerir.
4. Then fruitful I grew, and greatly to thrive,
In wisdom began to wax.
A single word to a second word led,
A single poem a second found.
5. Runes will you find, and fateful staves,
Very potent staves, very powerful staves,
Staves the great gods made, stained by the mighty sage,
And graven by the speaker of gods.
6. For gods by Odin, for elves by Dainn,
Dvalin for dwarves,
Alsvid for Jotuns, and I
Carved some for the sons of men.
7. Do you know how to write? Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to tint? Do you know how to try?
Do you know how to ask? Do you know how to offer?
Do you know how to send? Do you know how to slaughter?
8. Better don’t ask than offer too much;
A gift demands a gift.
Better send none than slay too many.
So Odin graved in the age ere man,
When he arose, when he came home.
9. These songs I know, unknown to wives
Of kings, or to mankind.
Help is the first, and help it will
In sickness, sorrow, and strife.
10. A second I know that sons of men
Who long to be leeches need.
11. A third I know if need there be
To fetter a foeman’s limbs,
Blunt I make the blades of my foe,
The bite of sword and staff.
12. A fourth I know; if fetters men lay
Fast upon my feet,
When the words I chant, I’ll walk away,
Fetters will spring from my feet,
Bindings burst from my hands.
13. A fifth I know; if a foeman’s shaft
Is fired against the folk,
However fast, its flight I stop,
If ever my eye can see it.
14. A sixth I know; if seeking ill
One sends a rune-cut root,
Whatever malice he meant for me,
On him the harm will fall.
15. A seventh I know; if I see a hall
Above the bench-mates burning,
No matter how strong, I stop the blaze.
I know the song to sing.
16. An eighth I know, useful to all,
Needful for men to know.
If warfare erupts twixt warriors’ sons,
I quickly quench their rage.
17. A ninth I know If need I find
To secure my ship from harm;
I calm the wind when waves run high,
And put the sea to sleep.
18. A tenth as well; if witches I see
At play up in the air,
I work it so their way they lose,
Their hamas they lose, their homes can’t find.
19. An eleventh I know, need I to lead
Lifelong friends to a fight.
‘Neath shield I sing, and safe they go,
Fare to the fight,
Fare from the fight,
Fare safe on every side.
20. A twelfth I know; if a tree should hold
A man in a halter hanged,
I can so cut and color the runes
That the man will walk with me,
The man will talk with me.
21. A thirteenth I know; if I take up water,
And on a young thane throw it,
He will not fall to foes in strife,
Not sink beneath the sword.
22. A fourteenth I know, if I need to count
For men, the glorious gods.
Æsir and Alfar all these I can name.
None of the foolish know this.
23. A fifteenth I know, that sang Theodrerir
The dwarf, at Dellings’ doors--
Sang strength to the Æsir, to the Alfar, gain,
Wise words to Hroptatyr.
24. A sixteenth I know; if a subtle maid
I want for love or lust,
I o’erwhelm the mind of the white-armed girl,
And her thoughts entirely turn.
25. A seventeenth I know, that seldom will wish
A maiden to avoid me.
All of these songs, Loddfafnir, though
Long you have lacked them,
Were useful to you, if understood,
Useful to know,
Useful to have.
26. An eighteenth I know, that I never will tell
To maid or any man’s wife--
Surest are secrets shared with no one,
But now my spells are sung--
Other than her I hold in my arms,
Or else my sister is.
27. Now the High One’s song are sung in the hall,
Needful for men to know,
Useless for Jotuns to know.
Hail to he who speaks, Hail to he who knows.
Luck to those who learn.
Hail to those who hear.
© Jack Hart
Hail Hel ✨🖤✨I have been working with Hel for about a year. Added her to the mix of Hekate and Lilith. I have definitely dove more into my Scandinavian side and it has now been completed with her. May the gods and goddesses bless you all!
Norse magic, explains, “the verb kunna, meaning both ‘to know, to understand, to know by heart’ as well as ‘to have insight in the old traditions and lore’…is at the core of this semantic field.”
The most common and general word for “magic” is fjölkyngi, which is derived from kunna and means “great knowledge.”
Bifrost-bridge-rainbow bridge.
Alfheim is the land of the elves
nice pic