I know there are so many books out there in the world. What is your favorite book that is related to your path? What book do you think would be helpful to beginners that have started their new path? It can be any path. Im just trying to start a discu
Do any of you have special bos spells that you use at this special Sabbat holiday?
Do you always use the same ritual magick or mix it up each year. I really need a good book on rituals especially when it comes to spells. Please feel free to list some
Hi everyone welcome to my group page. Thisis my first time making a group on this site so please bare with me while I start it. I think I need to do more stuff of course but wanted to go ahead and start it.
What are your thoughts about picking a book to read for a month and have discussions on it? This is what book club is all about. Just read ing books, discussing your favorite b ook and author and useful information.