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  • This is what the wife and I are doing with a friend

    Winter Solstice Ritual
  • This will actually be my first Yule that I will be celebrating. Last year I was learning and I got sick and didnt really get a chance to celebrate it like I wanted to. Now Im all for it. Any great ideas would be appreciated for my real first Yule celebration. 

    Thanks so much


    • Site Owner

      What i do is the cider blessing and have a kiebasi or ham for dinner the night of yule.all after my ritual. I have a book at home called Anicent ways.iy talks about each sabbat some  great ideas. I will look sone up for you. Thanks for commenting by the way.

    • I have that same book. I just recently bought a Rital almanac book for 2019 it stared with Samhain 2018 and goes all the way to the end of 2019 and it has a bunch of stuff. Some of the rituals in the book doesnt have recipies though. But for Yule im going to make a salmon after the ritual. Since its my first Yule ritual is there one that is easy to go by? The book seems a little too much to start with. 

      I was going to do my offering and blessings and meditation after that I was going to do some Yule Music with singing and dancing and then thank the gods and then have my meal does that sound ok?


    • Site Owner

      That sounds great . I love that. I also forgot to mention that my daughter sometimes exchange one gift each on the winter solstice. 

    • Thanks for loving my idea. I wish I had done that lkast year I really missed out on a lot of stuff. I don't know what it is about now but Im more confident and feel confident and things. Now I just need to learn to do the craft.

    • My friend I are are doing that. I also would like to do that with my boyfriend. I dont think he would like my exchhaning a gift on that day. hehe

    • Site Owner

      I like your tradations.  If you have any questions about witchcraft. I am here. I like what you have planned for yule. Welcome back by the way. 

    • Thanks so much. Yeah I will definitly need some help with that area. I have a few books on Wicca spells and then I have that insane 5000 Book of Spells Encyclopedia. oh lord that has some insane stuff some I don't agree or will never ever use. Im a Witch that heals, protects, love, wants to make people and myself happy. I dont like negative energy one bit. Is there a section here for the stuff im looking for?


    • Site Owner

      We have a few groups they might help. Wicca circle , beginners path.  A few others.  You can create a group if you like.  If it's not there i will create it for you 

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Correspondences for Yule

Correspondences for Yule

Other Names:
Jul (“wheel”, Old Norse), Saturnalia(Rome ~December 17 & 18), Yuletide(Teutonic), Midwinter, Fionn’s Day, Alban Arthuan, Christmas (Christian~December 25), Xmas, Festival of Sol, Solar/Secular/Pagan New Year

Animals/Mythical beings:
yule goat (nordic), reindeer stag, squirrels, yule cat, Sacred White Buffalo, Kallikantzaroi-ugly chaos monsters(greek), trolls, phoenix, yule elf, jule gnome, squirrels, wren/robin

cat’s eye, ruby, diamond, garnet, bloodstone

bayberry, cedar, ginger, cinnamon, pine, rosemary, frankincense, myrrh, nutmeg, wintergreen, saffron

gold, silver, red, green, white

Tools,Symbols, & Decorations:
bayberry candles, evergreens, holly, mistletoe, poinsettia,mistletoe, lights, gifts, Yule log, Yule tree. spinning wheels, wreaths, bells, mother & child images


Great Mother, Befana (strega), Holda (teutonic), Isis(egyptian), Triple Goddess, Mary(christian), Tonazin(mexican), Lucina(roman), St. Lucy (swedish),Bona Dea (roman), Mother Earth, Eve(Hebrew), Ops(roman Holy Mother), the Snow Queen, Hertha (German), Frey (Norse)

Sun Child, Saturn(rome), Cronos (Greek), Horus/Ra(egyptian), Jesus(christian-gnostic), Mithras(persian), Balder(Norse), Santa Claus/Odin(teutonic), Holly King, Sol Invicta, Janus(God of Beginnings), Marduk (Babylonian)Old Man Winter

honor, rebirth, transformation, light out of darkness, creative inspiration, the mysteries, new life, regeneration, inner renewal, reflection/introspection

death of the Holly (winter) King; reign of the Oak (summer) King), begin the ordeal of the Green Man, death & rebirth of the Sun God; night of greatest lunar imbalance; sun�s rebirth; shortest day of year

honor the Triple Goddess, welcome the Sun Child

personal renewal, world peace, honoring family & friends, Festival of light, meditation


lights, gift-exchanging, singing, feasting, resolutions, new fires kindled, strengthening family & friend bonds, generosity, yule log, hanging mistletoe, apple wassailing, burning candles, Yule tree decorating; kissing under mistletoe; needfire at dawn vigil; bell ringing/sleigh-bells; father yule

nuts, apple, pear, caraway cakes soaked with cider, pork, orange, hibiscus or ginger tea, roasted turkey, nuts, fruitcake, dried fruit, cookies, eggnog, mulled wine

blessed thistle, evergreen, moss, oak, sage, bay, bayberry, cedar, pine, frankincense, ginger, holly, ivy, juniper, mistletoe, myrrh, pinecones, rosemary, chamomile, cinnamon, valarion, yarrow



Also, if you would like to find out more information on the festival Yule visit our Yule group.



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