There are two points in the year when our attentions are particularly drawn to dualities: the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice. These correspond to the longest day of the year and the shortest. Therefore, it’s particularly appropriate to
A short list if items to get you started in Kitchen Wicca
Apple: known as the Wiccan food that is the sacred fruit to the Goddess. The sacred fruit to the Isle of Avalon. If you cut an apple horizontally through it's center, you will see the 5 point
Just starting this as a holder for Mabon Recipes, I will be adding to this as Mabon draws closer, feel free to add to this as well and thanks in advance for sharing. Blessed Be
Here are some recipes you can do that are quick and easy, and can make in a pinch, especially if you are busy. Feel free to add some more if you have any you want to share, and I will add some more as well. Enjoy