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Lammas Ritual to Lilith. Cast the circle. Call the corners. Evoke Lilith. Return to Altar and say"oh great Lilith, The first Harvest is here. The days grow shorter and the nights longer." Try to have on the Altar a loaf bread .Baked bread is the best

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Lilith Goddess of the Night: 13+ Ways to Work With Her Energy

By: Otherworldy Oracle blog
JULY 25, 2020

Lilith, Goddess of the night. Screech Owl. Queen of Vampires. But is this ancient deity a demon, succubus, or an empowering enchantress? Hers is a

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Here is a practice that is in my new book, Embodying Lilith, out later this year.

Soul Eclipse

Warning –I would not recommend this ritual unless you are dedicated to Lilith.

The ritual of Soul Eclipse is performed to remove the shadow (the part of you t

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I plan on doing a ritual to Naamah. According from my resesrch she is either Lilith in the flesh, Liliths daughter or sister.   What can any one tell me of her and her realtionship to Lilith.

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Do this rirual before sun rise. Cast the circle and light the incense( lotus or Dragons blood ) . The candles should be either red or black.  Then place one to seven tarot cards. Each one for the day of the week. Speak to lilith in your own words ask

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How do you see Lilith ? As a Dark Goddess? demoness? The first woman?  I first meet an experience Lilith during an out of body experience . She was 6 to 10 feet tail. Huge black wings and very beautiful.  I see her as a dark mother Goddess.

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cast the circle call the corners . invoke Lilith. ( try to have a symbol of Lilith on your altar)  Say " summer has come to the end. the next cycle of darkness is  upon Us" Mediate upon Lilith try to have an apple or other fruit  on the altar. Then s

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Dark Moon Ritual to Invoke Lilith:

  • On one of the three nights before the New Moon breaks, set aside time alone, in a safe, cozy, dark space to carry out this ritual.  For instance, create a cozy nest of pillows and blankets in your ritual area in wh
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A Ritual Process to Meet Lilith:


                Here is a ritual process, inspired by my research on Lilith and my meditations with

Her.  This process is designed to assist you to invoke Her and begin to integrate

your Shadow Self.  The process of

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